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Daily Bulletin


Highlights for Grade 12 Students


All Grade 12 information will be consistently updated throughout the school year in multiple ways:

A) Via the "Graduation and Grade 12's 2021-2022" page on the Magee website

1. Visit the Magee Secondary School Website:

2.  Click on the "Guidance and Support" tab near the upper left corner

3.  Select "Graduation and Grade 12's 2021-2022" in the dropdown box or on the left of the Guidance and Support page.

B) Via emails from Mrs.Lercher

C) Via Grade 12 Teams announcements

D) Via Mrs.Lercher and/or the counselling bulletin boards  Please check these resources at least twice a week to stay updated. Remember that this information may be crucial for your grade 12 year.


Students please don’t think about using the elevator! It is reserved for folks who seriously need it! Walking up to the second or third floor is excellent exercise AND great stress release! Also, the elevator is a really confined space with poor air circulation…a great place for sharing Covid!

Student parking
Student parking is in the south parking lot facing 49th. Parking facing the school is reserved for our teacher colleagues and visitors. Also, please drive mindfully around the school, and don’t allow your car alarm to be activated when you close your door! Remember- if you are driving: please park facing 49th! Walking or cycling to school is the best environmental option…and it is great for stress relief!

Food Delivery Services 
If you are ordering food from meal delivery companies, please arrange to meet outside of the building. If delivery workers come into the building they will be asked to leave, and you may not get your food. 

Have a parent/guardian call Magee or email with your full name, grade and student number, as well as the dates you will be absent.

Absent notes can be handed in outside the office after completing the absence form and attaching your note to it. 

MyEducation BC Set Up

Grade 8’s & New Students: Log in ID – Student Number Password – Dist$2022

Locked out of your account?

Send an email with your full name and student number to


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