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Parent Advisory Councils (PAC)

What is a Parent Advisory Council (PAC)?

Under the School Act a Parent Advisory Council is the officially recognized collective voice of parents/guardians within a school community. Every school has only one PAC that includes all parents/guardians as members. 

PAC meetings are intended to provide opportunities within each school community for parents/guardians to engage in dialogue with the principal (or designate) around matters affecting the school. Meetings also provide important information to schools and the District around matters impacting students’ learning and overall school experience. 

VSB actively encourages and supports the development of effective PACs. Our District works to foster and support school communities where students can learn, see themselves, feel supported and connected. PACs play an important role in improving school communities and our education system. 

A VSB Administrative Procedure (AP 110) provides more information about Parent Advisory Councils.

How does a PAC work?

Through PAC meetings, the elected officials of the PAC work closely with the parent/guardian community and the principal of the school to discuss and understand matters important to the school community. PAC meetings are also an opportunity for parents to provide input and advice to the school and District administration around matters relating to the school community. 

Information about PAC meetings is available on school websites. Most VSB schools’ PACs meet monthly, in the evening, at the school. We encourage parents/guardians to attend PAC meetings! Your voice and participation contribute to building a positive school community.

What is the purpose of a PAC?

PACs strive to represent the diversity within their communities and contribute to the benefit of all students. The work of the PAC must be unbiased in respect of race, colour, religion, politics, family status, gender, sexual orientation or physical or mental ability. The PAC is not a forum for the discussion of individual school personnel, parents/guardians or other members of the school community. Rather, PACs: 

  1. Advise the school principal and staff about parents/guardians’ views about matters relating to the school and/or school programs, policies, plans and activities. 
  2. Organize activities and events and provide parent/guardian education. 
  3. Encourage parent/guardian involvement in the school, and support programs that promote such involvement. 
  4. Communicate with parents/guardians and promote co-operation between the home and the school in providing support for the education of children. 
  5. Assist parents/guardians in navigating the school system and advocate on behalf of students and their families. 
  6. Provide financial support for the goals of the PAC, as determined by its membership. 
  7. Advise and participate in the activities of the District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) and the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC).

Resources for PACs 

Playground Guide for School Administrators and Parent Advisory Councils: This guide is for school administrators, PAC members and school community members who wish to install a new playground on their school grounds. 

Guidelines for Parent Advisory Council organized after-school private programs: This guide is for PACs who may be interested in organizing private after-school programs for VSB students in their school.

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