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International Baccalaureate


The IB Program at Churchill School 

We are very proud to offer the IB Diploma Program at Churchill School since 1983 and we are the 277th IB school in the world - out of over 5,800! Our program offers a breadth and depth of courses that encourages a lifelong love of learning and valuable 21st century skills; including: self-management, communication, social, research, and thinking. As a community of teachers and learners, we value the IB Mission Statement of making the world a better place and require our students to complete a service-learning component in the form of CAS. Unique courses are offered, such as TOK that encourages a deep examination of what we claim to know. 

If you are interested in participating in our program, please join me for an information session at Churchill School in the Auditorium on November 27 at 5:30pm. 

FYI: Part of the application process requires a Proof of Vancouver residency & Canadian Citizenship.

The IB Application Process for September 2025 Enrollment - SCHEDULE OF EVENTS

General Information Night (Churchill Auditorium): November 27 at 5:30pm

Applications released online: November 28 by 1:00pm

Applications due by: December 12 

  1. Application portfolio due online by 6pm
  2. Proof of residency & Canadian citizenship due to Churchill School's Main Office by 3:15pm

Decisions issued from Churchill's Main Office on February 13

Notice of Acceptance due to Churchill's Main Office by February 18

Course Selection in Churchill's Cafeteria on February 27 at 4:00pm

Orientation for incoming IB students in Churchill's Cafeteria on June 11 from 4:00-6:00pm

IB Fees

IB Fees Schedule for 2024-25

Fee Schedule

February 21, 2024

April 15, 2024

June 17, 2024

Year One (Grad 2026)





Fee Schedule

April 15, 2024

June 17, 2024

November 15, 2024

Year Two (Grad 2025)






More about the International Baccalaureate

The IB Diploma Program is designed as an academically challenging and balanced program that encourages community involvement and service while also preparing students for success at university. The IB values 21st century learning, there is a focus on the development of specific skills: communication, social, self-management/executive, research and thinking.

 In the IB Program, we strive to meet the goals of the IB Mission Statement and to help our students develop the IB Learner Profile.

The International Baccalaureate Mission Statement & International Mindedness

"The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end, the organization works with school, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."

At Churchill, all learners are encouraged to develop awareness beyond the individual and their immediate community. 

School Strategy & IB at Churchill Secondary

The Learner Profile & IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning are frameworks for students, staff, and administration that encourages a holistic approach to education. Therefore, the foundation of the IB Mission Statement and International Mindedness are further reinforced. All teachers and students strive to be:

  • Inquirers - are you curious?
  • Knowledgeable - are you well-read and aware of the world around you?
  • Thinkers - do you strive to be rational, use evidence, and be a critical thinker?
  • Communicators - can you work effectively in collaborative setting?
  • Principled - do you value honesty and strive to act with integrity?
  • Open-Minded - do you approach people and situations without judgment or prejudice?
  • Caring - do you practice being a compassionate person?
  • Risk-Takers - are you resilient?
  • Balanced - do you practice being mindful; do you have a life beyond academics?
  • Reflective - are you thoughtful about your actions and their consequences? 

For more details about the individual learner profiles, see:  learner-profile-en.pdf

This philosophy of holistic education aligns completely with the Vancouver School District's School Plan, which includes: 

  1. Improving student achievement, physical and mental well-being, and belonging 
  2. Increasing equity                                  
  3.  Continuing its Reconciliation journey with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit 

The Outcomes of an IB Education at Churchill School

Diploma Programme candidates are required to study six subjects and a programme core. Specialization is provided by requiring at least three [no more than four] of the six subjects to be studied at HL. Breadth is provided by studying three subjects [two if four HL subjects are taken] at standard level (SL).

Below are the subjects we offer at Churchill, but please note that these offerings can change. 

Please note that students who enroll in the IB Program at Churchill are also required to complete the new Contemporary Indigenous Studies course on time-table. This means that Grade 11 students cannot have an on time-table elective. This course must be completed, on timetable as an IB student even if the student has already completed the course. It is a part of our core program. 

Students choose courses from the following subject groups:

  • Group 1: Studies in language and literature
    • English A: Literature
    • French A: Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language acquisition
    • French B
    • French ab initio (only offered if enough enrollment)
    • Japanese ab initio
  • Group 3: Individuals and societies
    • Geography 
    • History
    • Psychology
  • Group 4: Natural Sciences
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The arts
    • Film
    • Dance
    • Theatre (runs every other year)
    • Visual Arts

Students may opt out of Group 6 to study an additional Group 2, 3, or 4 - depending on the timetable. We highly recommend that students consider taking a Group 6 rather than replacing it because it provides the best IB experience and balanced course load. For more detailed descriptions of the IB courses offered at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School, see the PDF attachments below.

The core of the Diploma Programme consists of the theory of knowledge (TOK), the extended essay (EE) and creativity, activity, service (CAS).

  • TOK provides a forum for discussion, reflection and instruction that considers the nature of human knowledge and supports the development of interdisciplinary understanding.
  • The EE provides the opportunity to investigate an academic research question of individual interest and in the process to develop the independent research and writing skills expected for further education.
  • Participation in the school’s CAS programme broadens the educational experience by expecting students to be involved in creative, physical and service activities.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School

Most IB subjects are blended HL/SL in Year 1 (Grade 11). This means that HL and SL students are in the same classroom. Decisions about HL/SL status is made at the end of Grade 11 up to October of Year 2 (Grade 12). 

All IB Group Subjects are completed on timetable over two years.

Please note: we do our best to accommodate all course requests; however, there may be restrictions in the timetable and students may not get all the courses and/or levels they request.

At Churchill School, IB teachers recognize that all teachers are, in practice, language teachers with responsibilities in facilitating communication. Students who join our program are to learn at least one language in addition to their home/personal language(s). At Churchill we offer French B and Japanese ab initio options for our IB students to learn. 
 French A is for candidates admitted to the IB French Immersion Programme. 

Language of Instruction, Group 1:  

English - All candidates will complete English A.

Language Acquisition, Group 2: 

French Immersion A 

French B

For candidates with grade 10 level ability in the language. There will be a language placement test for French B.

Japanese ab initio.pdf

For candidates who are interested in learning a new language from the beginning (ab initio) or for candidates who do not qualify for French A or French B, French ab initio or Japanese ab initio may be the right fit for you. Our Japanese Language teacher, Ms Wakabayahsi, will be available for questions at the Course Selection session as will Mme Kung for French. There will also be language placement exams for French B, French ab initio and Japanese ab initio

Individuals & Societies (Humanities), Group 3:

Candidates select one Group 3 subject (can select two if they elect not to complete a Group 6 subject). If a candidate chooses IB Psychology, in order to graduate high school, the candidate must also complete a Social Studies 11 (SS11) equivalent course online or in summer school as IB Psychology does not meet the requirements for SS11. If a candidate completes either IB Geography or IB History, the requirements for graduation are met and no online or summer school SS11 equivalent course needs to be completed. 


History HL

History SL


Natural Sciences, Group 4:

Candidates select one Group 4 subject (can select two if they elect not to complete a Group 6 subject).

NB: Most Canadian post-secondary institutions require students complete two sciences for admissions into their Science faculties. Also, most Canadian post-secondary institutions require that students complete Provincial-level (i.e. not IB) Chemistry 11 and Physics 11. IB candidates taking one of these (IB Chemistry or IB Physics, but not both) and IB Biology (thus completing the two required sciences) will need to complete the other (Chemistry or Physics) at the Provincial grade 11 level only. This should be done online or during summer school.

NB: Engineering programs vary in their requirements and IB candidates should examine what they will need for admissions before course selection. Most engineering programs require both Chemistry and Physics at the grade 12 level too; in that case, IB candidates completing one of these course requirements in IB (i.e. IB Chemistry or IB Physics) ought to complete the grade 11 and 12 at the Provincial level online or in summer school.

IB candidates can request to complete IB Chemistry and IB Physics; however, we encourage candidates to also follow their interests. If a candidate is interested in a future in medicine, they really ought to take IB Biology! The universities do not care if the required Physics and Chemistry 11 classes are IB or not. Many of our IB candidates complete the other required science at the provincial level online or during summer school. 

Biology HL

Biology SL

Chemistry HL

Chemistry SL

Physics HL

Physics SL 

Mathematics, Group 5:

With the IB Curriculum changes implemented recently, IB at SWC is approaching admissions to IB Math differently. Candidates who have successfully completed Math 10 will be placed in one cohort and candidates who have successfully completed Math 11+ will be placed in another. The cohort for Math 10 candidates will be learning Analysis and Approaches (AA) SL. The cohort for Math 11+ candidates will be learning AA blended HL. The difference between the dedicated AA SL and blended AA HL cohorts will be content and speed with which units will be taught. Essentially, the AA HL cohort is nearly a year ahead.  

Candidates will work throughout the year in their designated cohorts to demonstrate their ability and upon their teachers’ recommendation and a minimum required IB score achieved by the end of term 2, candidates from both cohorts will either:

  • Join or continue in AA SL
  • Enter a new stream available in Year 2 only: Applications and Interpretations (AI) SL.
  • Continue in Math AA HL

NB: Candidates interested in admissions to Commerce, Sciences, or Engineering faculties in university must complete AA SL or HL to be considered for admissions. Candidates interested in Arts faculties will be considered for admissions with the completion of AI SL.

Math AA HL and SL.pdf

Math AI SL only.pdf

Fine Arts, Group 6:

For candidates to have the true IB experience and a most manageable course load, they ought to complete a Group 6 subject. However, IB recognizes some of the limitations post-secondary institutions have placed on admission requirements and Group 6 is optional.

NB: Group 6 is a perfect outlet for creativity, it adds balance and structure to the IB candidates overwhelming schedule, and significantly develops the critical skill of critical thinking. FYI: candidates interested in architecture ought to consider completing Visual Arts! 

Film HL/SL

IB Dance.pdf

IB Dance SL.pdf

Theatre HL

Theatre SL

Visual Arts HL

Visual Arts SL

IB Core:

Successful completion of the IB Programme depends on the successful completion of its core.

CAS and the EE are completed off-timetable with the guidance of the CAS Coordinator, Ms Waight, and the Diploma Coordinator, Ms Puzio.

TOK, or Theory of Knowledge, is completed on-timetable over the two years. 

Core CAS

Core Extended Essay

TOK Subject Brief.pdf

Helpful Links for Families

How to solve a concern at school:

Inclusion policies: 


Vancouver School Board Policy on Choice & District Programs:

 Vancouver School Board Policy on integration of students with diverse needs:       

IB on Academic Integrity: below are two useful links to documents for parents and students about the IB's rigorous academic integrity policies and expectations. There was a recent IB publication about ChatGPT made available to IB staff. It is most relevant that students and parents understand:"Students should be aware that the IB does not regard any work produced—even only in part—by such tools [ChatGPT], to be their own. Therefore, as with any quote or material from another source, it must be clear that AI-generated text, image or graph included in a piece of work, has been copied from such software. The software must be credited in the body of the text and appropriately referenced in the bibliography. As with current practice, an essay which is predominantly quotes will not get many, if any, marks with an IB mark scheme."

Student pamphlet: Student Pamphlet Academic Honesty.pdf

Academic integrity handbook: IB on Academic Integrity.pdf

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