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Want to see how to get involved in clubs at our school?  New clubs are starting every year! 

2024-2025 School Year

Club Name

One-Liner Club Promotion

Meeting Date



Teacher Sponsor 

Architect ClubMake architectural models & design buildingsBi-weekly ThursLunchRm 613Ms. Przystupa
Badminton ClubFor students to improve their technique, skills or just have fun!FridayAfterschoolGymMr. Roosma
Business ClubMembers volunteer their time to run the school store, the Talishop.  Opportunities to collaborate, gain knowledge & skills related to business, marketing, customer service & teamworkBi-weekly ThursFITRm 219Ms. Taylor
Chess ClubMeet new people & play chess!Tues & ThursFITRm 323Mr. Byron
Eco ChicPromote, discuss & create solutions for sustainability in fashionBi-weekly FriLunchRm 407Mr. Liang
Engineering ClubStudents working on engineering projects & skillsWedLunchRm 614Mr. Louie
Esports ClubRunning since 2019! Enjoy tournaments, afterschool club meetings to hang out and interact with others!Monday
Rm 614Mr. Louie
FemminactionFemmes in ActionWednesdayLunchRm 421Ms. Donaldson
FrancoFUNLooking for a fun way to keep up your French? Struggling to understand your homework? or has the language of romance simply caught your eye? Learn about the French language & 
Francophone cultures through casual student-led activities suited for all levels!
Rm 222Mme. Boucetta
Games ClubMeet and hang out with people who are interested in card games.  We have a large selection that is open to everyone.TuesdayFITRm 208Ms. Miller
Garden ClubCome and learn about plants & planting and help us plan activities in the VT garden & around the school.  We participate in school events, weekly activities & garden parties.  We love to
hear new ideas and to meet new members!
TuesdaysLunchRm 107Ms. Edwards
Gender & 
The GSA is a safe place where everyone can come eat lunch and hang out! We host regular speaker events & activities like cookie making and crafts.TuesdaysLunchRm 415Mr. Cameron /
Mr. Moon
Grad CommitteeA collaborative group dedicated to building community & fundraising for an unforgettable graduating year. We organize events & activities to enhance the grad experience, 
while also fundraising to reduce costs for larger events such as prom.  Goal is to bond & create memorable moments to celebrate our last year at Van Tech
WednesdaysLunchRm 409Ms. Bighorn / 
Ms. De Loof
Helping HeartsJoin us for opportunities that reach hearts and help make a change for those marginalized in our local community.Bi-weekly TuesLunchRm 124Ms. Twiss
Investment & 
Finance Club
We're all about empowering teens to take charge of their financial future.  We dive into the world of investing, understanding the stockmarket, and share tips & strategies in a fun, laid-back environment.FridaysLunchRm 219Ms. Taylor
Key ClubKey Club is made up of teens passionate about volunteering & giving back to their community! We work with multiple organizations supporting school initiatives like Breakfast Club and campus clean ups.  A global organization, we get a 
chance to connect with other Key Clubs in Vancouver.  Meet new people, make friends, gain valuable experience & boost your volunteer hours!
TuesdayLunchRm 307Mr. Goodman
Where people can play magic and make friendsMondaysAfterschoolRm 215Mr. Van
Outdoors ClubOpen to all Gr 12s interested in exploring the outdoorsThursdaysLunchRm 615 or
on field
Mr. Wolfe
Reach for the 
A club that does trivia & competes with other schools across the region, province,and country.  A great place for one with a 
large depository of random knowledge.
ThursdaysFITRm 414Mr. Li
The AgencySocial justice & fundraising club that helps members develop their agencyTBATBA
Mr. O'Rourke
Thirst ProjectA non-profit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building fresh water
wells in developing  communities that need safe, clean drinking water.  Our current goal is to fundraise to build wells across
Bi-weekly FriLunchRm 200Mr. Goodman
Transit for TeensPlanning events for our external campaign with the Centre for Family Equity calling for free Transit for Teens BC FridaysLunchRm 409Ms. Bighorn
UNESCO @ VTAllows students to take leadership initiatives on student projects, gain volunteer hours, and work to create school community.  VT became a UNESCO school last year, and we are student
representatives of this aspect of the school community.  Refer to:
TuesdayLunchRm 415Mr. Moon
United Nations 
Children's Fund
A humanitarian aid organization that fundraises for children in need, providing them with water, nutrition, education and health care.  Money raised is donated to UNICEF Canada.  Our club
not only provides volunteer hours but also creates an inclusive environment for everyone.
(bi-weekly for 
regular members)
LunchRm 307Mr. Goodman /
Mr. Van
VT Athletic
To bring more school-wide awareness to our student-athletes and their teams, and celebrate in their achievements as a whole to foster a sense of belonging to our school.TBATBARm 414Mr. Lee
VT Book ClubDiscussions about the books we read and fun Q & A activities!2nd Thurs of the

LibraryMrs. Milne
VT Coding ClubOur activities typically involve hosting coding related events, workshops and providing a space for students to work on personal or club-wide coding projects.  We hope to continue providing opportunities and an environment for our peers
to collaborate, learn, and explore the field of coding/computer science.
ThursdayFITRm 601Mr. Woo
VT Cancer
Awareness Club
Founded with the goal of raising money and awareness for cancer in our school and community.  The club was started because of the impact cancer had on the club presidents'
families and wanted to contribute to the ongoing effort to find a cure.  Follow our Instagram @vantechcac
TuesdayLunchRm 324Mr. Collier
VT Rugby ClubJoin our rugby team - tough and built on teamwork!Tuesday &
AfterschoolOval FieldMr. Arthurs
VT STEMImagine, innovate & inspireFridayLunchRm 300Mr. Cao
World Wildlife
Aims to provide information about wildlife conservation and bring awareness to environmental issues around the world. This club hosts fundraisers for organizations that help with wildlife conservation and to those affected by climate change.  We also provide students with fun & exciting volunteer opportunities  like helping take care of rabbits like Rabbitats.Bi-weekly MonLunchRm 611Ms. De Loof


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