VISA Students
- Please contact Ms. Hansen if your address changes or any other contact information changes.
- You are to be living with adults who are over the age of 21 and are looking out for your well being
- If you need to contact me about any difficulties you are having with your current living arrangement please contact Ms. Hansen
Study Permits
- renewal forms can be picked up from Ms. Hansen
- renewal can take 2-3 months to complete, so it needs to be done in advance of the expiry date
- if your student permit expires, your health card is no longer valid
Care Cards
- these are your health insurance cards
- they come to the school once the study permit is granted or renewed
- Ms. Hansen will have them delivered to you during class
School Fees
-if you do not pay your tuition your spot at Point Grey is not guaranteed
Contact Teacher
Ms. Hansen
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday - 8:00 - 8:30 am and 3:15 - 4:00 pm