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Absence Reporting


Please report student absences as follows:

  • By email (preferred method)—Please email with your student’s absence. Please include the following information: 

FULL STUDENT NAME  (First and Last Name)


DAYS OF ABSENCE (If more than 3, please ensure you email your child's teachers and counselor) 


  • By phone (604-713-8950) - Absences taken by phone are adjusted on the computer system usually within the same day unless data entry is delayed for any reason.
  • By note—Please use the paper note that is available to print from our website. Students may pick up an absence note from the office as well. These notes provide more detailed and accurate data for us to input. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Signing out—If a student is ill during school hours, they must come to the office to sign out. Prior to them leaving, the office staff will contact their parent for permission.
  • Field Trips—The teacher is asked to compile a list of attendees for field trips based on forms returned to them. These lists are then forwarded to the office for data entry. If no list was received, you may get a call through our automated system.
  • Automated message—You will receive an automated message/email if your son/daughter has missed a class at any time of the school day. To correct any errors, you must contact the teacher who marked them absent.
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