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Parking is located within the school grounds to the west side of the field oval.  The oval is the property of the Killarney Community Centre.

Entrance to the parking lot is 100 metres to the west of Kerr Street if heading westbound on 49th Avenue.  If heading eastbound on 49th Avenue, the parking entrance is to your left 100 metres before Kerr Street.

The parking stalls along the Oval are part of Killarney Secondary as well as Killarney Community Centre.  The stalls that are closer to the tennis courts and to the left of the entrance are on school property.

Please do not park at the Killarney Community Centre while visiting Killarney Secondary as you may be towed.  Community Centre parking is for their patrons only.  Parking is also available in the surrounding neighbourhood.  

  • December 2019 notice:

    This is just a heads up for school communities on upcoming changes to fines for stopping violations around schools.

    Vancouver City Council has passed changes to the fees around stopping violations which will double the fines for violations which occur in the vicinity of schools, 8am-5pm on school days. This was passed Dec. 3 2019 and will come into effect Jan 1, 2020. The Council report notes that “to support the City’s Moving Towards Zero goals, (City) staff have identified a number of safety related parking offences, in particular those that impact vulnerable road users, where fine amounts should be increased to further discourage unsafe parking behaviour.”

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